Contribute to

Would you like to help support This site is hosted through our service and has been set up to accept contributions to help cover its hosting costs.

Here are some important things to know about contributing to's hosting costs:

  • Contributions are not charitable gifts and they are not tax-deductible.
  • You are not giving money to the site operator. You are purchasing our hosting services on the site operator's behalf. However, there is a distinction between purchasing services on the site operator's behalf and purchasing services on the site's behalf. It is possible for a shady site operator to use the services you purchase for other purposes, like another totally unrelated site. Please only contribute if you trust the site operator. (And if the site operator proves not to be worthy of your trust, we are in no way responsible for that.)
  • Contributions are non-refundable. Not to you, and not to the site operator. If the site operator cancels, any unused portion of your contribution will be donated to another deserving site or, failing that, the EFF.
  • This feature is just a way to pay for our hosting services that pretty much anyone can use. Its existence or availability for a particular site does not mean we vouch for, endorse, agree with or support any hosted site, its content, or its operator. Not even a little. (But if you use this feature, it probably means that you do.)
  • We charge a deposit fee on every payment. You will have the option to add this fee to your contribution (i.e. you pay the fee) or to have it deducted from your contribution (i.e. the site operator pays the fee).
  • This is not e-commerce. The site operator is not allowed to provide you with anything of value in exchange for a contribution. If you choose to identify yourself to them (later in the process), they may recognize you on their site or give you site-related perks that have no material value, but that's it.