Frequently Asked Questions

Here are some frequently asked questions potential members (and the public) often have about NearlyFreeSpeech.NET and our services. If you wish to restrict the list of FAQs to only those containing certain keywords, enter them below. Otherwise, all public FAQs will be displayed. (Our members have a much more detailed FAQ accessible via the member interface. Non-members can peek at that here.)

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Technology Questions

Technology Answers

  • Can I use .htaccess files to customize my web server configuration?

    Yes, almost any directive that can be placed in an Apache .htaccess file will work on our system. The most significant ones that will not work are those that perform access control based on IP address; due to our network architecture, IP blocking is performed before requests reach .htaccess and must be configured separately.

    The most common location for .htaccess files is /home/public. By default, no .htaccess file exists, so if you want one you will have to create it yourself.